Listed below are some strengths (features) and weaknesses (barriers) to a lesson that I created to address the Physics concepts of speed and position vs. time graphs. The lesson is posted in MERLOT here. Basically I found that while I did allow for some creativity, I had restricted that creativity to only a couple of programs. I also didn’t do a very good job accommodating for different learning styles in more than the introduction and modeling of the lesson. In order to make this lesson better, I would need to add more ways for students to view the presentation, give more options for the creation of position vs. time graphs, and allow the students to create their own data if they choose to motivate more students.
UDL Guidelines – Educator Checklist
I. Provide Multiple Means of Representation
1.2 Provide alternatives for auditory information
Feature: This lesson will be lectured verbally with text notes, and will be visually modeled.
1.3 Provide alternatives for visual information
Feature: This lesson will be explained verbally. It would be of added benefit to add video and audio supplements to each part of the lesson.
2.1 Define vocabulary and symbols
Barrier: Some vocabulary in this lesson might not be in some students’ prior knowledge and isn’t adequately explained.
3.1 Provide or activate background knowledge
Feature: Situations of speed from prior knowledge will be addressed and expanded upon.
3.2 Highlight critical features, big ideas, and relationships
Feature: Slope’s relationship to speed on a position vs. time graph is revisited and reinforced throughout the lesson.
II. Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression
4.1 Provide varied ways to respond
Barrier: There is only one set of assessments for this lesson. This needs to be expanded to allow more freedom.
5.1 Allow choices of media for communication
Barrier: The lesson only allows for Excel and PowerPoint as methods for sharing the information.
III. Provide Multiple Means of Engagement
7.1 Increase individual choice and autonomy
Feature: This lesson allows creativity during the presentation section, so that the students can explain however they choose.
Barrier: The creativity is restricted to the use of Excel and PowerPoint.
7.3 Reduce threats and distractions
Feature: Excel table templates are used to create graphs to be used in the lesson.
8.2 Vary levels of challenge and support
Barrier: Other than the presentation, materials don’t have different levels of support or challenge.
8.4 Increase mastery-oriented feedback
Feature: The lesson requires students to explain their knowledge of the topic to others.
9.2 Scaffold coping skills and strategies
Feature: Students receive feedback at the end of each section of the lesson, ensuring they understand the topic before presenting it to others.